Sunday, July 09, 2006

A short rant on Mahatma brown rice

A short rant on Mahatma brown rice

OK, in my red beans and rice post, I made a note on the instructions on my new package of Mahatma brown rice. The microwave directions on my old package of Mahatma brown rice said to:
  • Cook 1 cup of dry rice with 2 1/2 cups of water for 5 minutes in high in the microwave.
  • Then, cook for 40 minutes on 50% power
I have done this before (using rice from an old package) and the rice came out perfectly.

Then, the package of rice I bought last week said to use 3 1/2 cups of water. That's the only part of the directions I looked at when I made RB&R. (I didn't have quite enough rice from my old package, so I used a little from the new.)

So, yesterday, when making my rice crust quiche, I made 1/2 cup (dry) of rice. In my previous recipes, I had been making 1 full cup. I just halved the amount of water and cooked in the microwave as previously mentioned. Sounds right, huh?? So, after 45 minutes of rice cookin', I opened the microwave to find a ton of water atop some still somewhat-hard rice. What?!? I was on a time crunch... I had people coming and had just wasted 45 minutes and 1/2 a cup of rice!! So, I look again at the microwave directions. The directions are different than on my old package. The new ones say to cook for 35 minutes at high power. If that is the case, then it probably makes sense to use 3 1/2 cups of water. Ugh! Maybe they are now using a different kind of brown rice now?? Who knows. But, this wasn't the time to experiment, so I just cooked it the good old fashioned way, on the stove top.

So, I guess next time, I'll try the new directions if I have the time. I'll keep you posted... I know you will be diligently checking in until I get this rice thing figured out. I MEAN, IT'S RICE...THE MOST BASIC OF FOODS. HOW FREAKING HARD IS IT TO FIGURE OUT, HOLLY??

Oops, did I say this was going to be a short rant??

OK, rant over. :D

PS: yes I am aware that I'm a complete dork.


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